

I recently had a blast when my friend Kristyn invited me to photograph her family's annual hayride. I haven't been on a hayride since my childhood, so I was pretty pumped about being there and photographing.

She had an area set aside in the pasture and spruced up for family photos. Each family in attendance came and had a family photo made. On the first family, I stepped back to frame up my shot and felt something squish. Yep, you guessed it; my left converse was in a cow patty. Lovely. It was an eventful start, and we kept the ball rolling with family after family. You can bet that I was more careful for the remainder of the evening to avoid those darn cow patties.

We roasted hot dogs and most of the adults watched the LSU game.

Once it got dark, Kristyn's dad brought his tractor around, and we piled in the back of the trailer. It was a gorgeous evening. It wasn't hot or cold, and the wind was blowing just enough to keep us all comfortable. As we rode along, we'd come to "ghosts" hanging in the trees. Each ghost was rigged to fall into the trailer and drop candy for the children. It was a blast.

We finished up the evening with s'mores. All I can say is, "yum!" Each of the new families I met were wonderful, and I was thankful for the privilege to share in all the fun.

Check out my facebook page for additional photos.

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