I got a bike not too long ago; it's my first one since childhood. I can still ride, hooray! Immediately after this purchase, a friend of mine suckered me into a commitment of participating in a mini triathlon. I realize that this is nuts, but I'm doing it anyway.
I have a great fear of wearing spandex. It seems that everyone participating in these types of events wears it, so consequently, our team name is "Spandex Situation." :) Despite the team name, I still make no promises of wearing spandex this coming April.
I've been biking to train for the triathlon and just for exercise in general. On my route, I ride underneath the bridge, and I kept thinking how cool it would be to take pictures of it from those angles. That's right, I'm a rockstar! I strapped my camera on and biked with it to capture these images; be amazed. Ha, ha!
First one's my fav. And congrats on being a rock star. I would have so iphoned it :)