

It seems like more random people have yelled at me this week than ever before. Well, it was really only two, but I still don't like it.

A couple of days ago, I was merging onto the interstate. When I check out my rear view mirror, I noticed that there was a police officer in the lane I was merging into. I had enough room without cutting him off, and I even used my blinker to make my move. He immediately sped up behind me (literally like 2 inches from my bumper), and began yelling at me. Gratefully, I couldn't hear the types of things he was saying as he frantically motioned me to get out of his way. I obliged, but I went into the opposite lane that he was motioning me toward. I guess he felt like I did cut him off-who knows?

This morning, I was going through the toll plaza to make my way to the east bank. For some reason, my toll tag did not work, so I hesitated at the end of the lane. At this point, the toll booth lady yells, "Hey!" Apparently she thinks she could chase me down on foot from her booth. The more likely scenario is her telling the police officer in the next lane to pursue me. Yikes!  I waved my toll tag out the window screaming about how it didn't work. Once again, I'm frustrated because I didn't do anything wrong; it isn't my fault that the dumb equipment didn't work. These people must have to yell at someone each day, and today that someone was ME!

I don't like starting my day off this way; I'm going to pray!

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