

Kirsten and I met back in 2002, at a training session before we both moved to other countries. We managed to keep in touch most of the last eight years, despite being separated by thousands of miles and oceans. She is one of the most wonderful women that I know, full of passion, kindness, and completely genuine. She's the person that I always want in my corner of the ring on this journey called life, and I'm so thankful that she's my friend.

I was thrilled when she got engaged to a wonderful man and asked me to design her save the date, invitation, etc... for her upcoming wedding. She finally sent out these Save the Dates, so I feel it's okay for me to show it to y'all now.


  1. I'm still getting compliments on these!! You are brilliant. I am the one who is blessed to be YOUR friend!!!

  2. Love it~! Great job Katie! How cool that she is getting married on a Tuesday! And at a musuem at that! I'm sure it'll be gorgeous!
